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Evening lectures

Evening lectures

Zondag 27 oktober: Grenzeloos gesprek: Feminisme voor de 99%

20 October 2019

Vorige maand verscheen de Nederlandse vertaling van Feminisme voor de 99%. Voor Grenzeloos reden om op de eerste bijeenkomst in een serie ‘Grenzeloos gesprekken’ op 27 oktober dit manifest centraal te stellen. Het manifest Feminisme voor de 99% is inmiddels in meer dan 20 talen vertaald. Het verwerpt het liberale feminisme van de 1%, dat gericht is op doorbreken van het glazen plafond voor een beperkte groep (voornamelijk witte hetero) vrouwen en pleit voor een feminisme dat aan de kant van de meerderheid van de vrouwen staat: arbeidsters, emigrantes, lesbiennes en transvrouwen.

May 9: Feminism for the 99% - A Manifesto, with Tithi Bhattacharya

8 May 2019

On May 9, the IIRE is hosting a discussion around ‘Feminism for the 99 %. A manifesto’ with three speakers:

Tithi Bhattacharya is one of the authors of the manifesto. Inspired by the new wave of feminist activism worldwide, Tithi and her co-authors Cinzia Arruzza and Nancy Fraser argue that feminism should not start – or stop – with the drive to have women represented at the top of their professions. Rather, feminism must focus on those at the bottom, and fight for the world they deserve.

Reunión pública: Un enfoque radical de la ayuda humanitaria

10 February 2012

Los desastres naturales se están convirtiendo cada vez más en un asunto central de la política en los países del Tercer mundo, que se sitúa en la intersección de la explotación socio-económica y el cambio climático capitalista.

La respuesta a estas catástrofoes ha sido a menudo asumida por ONG's independientes y agencias internacionales, tanto en los países afectado como en en el mundo desarrollado donde se recogen los fondos. Sin embargo, la manera en que se organiza la ayuda, y los actores que se ocupan de ella, no es algo poĺíticamente neutral.

Réunion publique:Une approche radicale de l'aide humanitaire

10 February 2012

Les catastrophes naturelles deviennent de plus en plus des thèmes politiques centraux dans le tiers-monde. Ils se situent à l’intersection entre l’exploitation socio-économique et le changement climatique capitaliste.

La réponse à ces catastrophes est souvent prise en main par des ONG indépendantes et par des agences internationales aussi bien dans les pays frappés que dans les pays du premier monde où des dons sont collectés. Mais la façon dont l’aide est organisée et les acteurs qui la prennent en charge, ne sont pas neutres politiquement.

Evening lecture: A Radical Approach to Humanitarian Relief

10 February 2012

Natural disasters are becoming more and more a central issue of politics in the Third World, which is situated in the crossroad of socio-economical exploitation, and capitalist climate change. The answer to these catastrophes has often been taken on by independent NGO's and international agencies, both in the countries affected and in the First World countries where the funds are gathered. However, the way in which the aid is organised, and the actors who take it in charge, is not politically neutral.


March 31, Lecture: Egypt under the regime of Field Marshal Sissi

25 March 2015

Egyptian socialist Taher Mokhtar will give a talk on the development of the political and social situation in Egypt from the January 2011 Revolution, passing through the Muslim Brotherhood era, and the return of a staunch military dictatorship. He will also discuss the situation of the revolutionary left in Egypt, the social movements and workers' mobilizations.

Taher Mokhtar is a member of the Egyptian Revolutionary Socialists (RS).

Tuesday, March 31
Time: 19.30

December 11: Lecture by Robin Blackburn: Who invented Human Rights?

28 November 2014

This lecture examines the role of anti-slavery and slave resistance in the elaboration of 'human rights' and the misappropriation of such ideas by Western colonialism and militarism.

Robin Blackburn is a historian and sociologist, and one of New Left Review’s editors. Blackburn teaches at the New School in New York and the University of Essex in the UK. He is the author of many books, including The Making of New World Slavery, The Overthrow of Colonial Slavery, Age Shock, Banking on Death, and The American Crucible.

October 16: The Kurdish struggle against IS

13 October 2014

We will be discussing the Rojava experience, current situation, the position of the Turkish State, the ways of solidarity with the resisting people of Kobane, and the position of the Dutch State.
The event will be in English and Dutch.
Confirmed speakers:
Sheruan Hassan (PYD Spokesman)
Nuri Karabulut (DIDF)
Sadet Karabulut (SP Member of Parliament)

A recommended donation will be asked to be sent to Kobane.

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international scientific association
by Royal decree of 11th June 1981.

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