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Women's Schools

9 April 2010

The IIRE's three-to-four-week Women's Schools have considerably enriched our other courses. For example, other courses have borrowed feminist analyses initially presented here of the interaction of gender, race and class, social and family dynamics of economic restructuring, and democracy and leadership development in popular organizations.

Refuting caricatures

13 March 2010

Interview with Gilbert Achcar *

In the introduction to your book, you declare that you wrote it in order to "fight the symmetrical caricatures" often heard about Arab attitudes to the Holocaust? What are these caricatures?

Reclaim the State? Experiments in Popular Democracy

18 February 2010

As the global financial crisis continues to fester, local and national governments tend to place the bulk of the burden on public spending. More cuts and lay-offs, reductions in salaries and the disappearance of community-based projects place the most vulnerable sectors of society at higher risk. Parallel to this leaning, liberal, multiparty democracy seems to be failing its citizens.  Now more than ever, it is time for activists to take matters into their own hands and reclaim what traditionally has belonged to the commons.


Remembering Daniel Bensaïd

26 January 2010

Thousands of people gathered at La Mutualité in Paris on Sunday, January 24, 2010 to render homage to deceased IIRE fellow Daniel Bensaïd. Hosted by Fred Borras and Myriam Martin, both from the leadership of the NPA and from Toulouse, like Daniel, this was an emotional and militant act of remembrance to his memory.

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