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Marijke Colle, presente!

20 April 2023

It is with great sadness that we have learned of the death on 16 April 2023 of our comrade and former IIRE co-director Marijke Colle, at the age of 75. Below is a reflection on her life as a socialist and feminist activist, written by her Belgian comrades. 

Born in 1947 in a very conservative Flemish Catholic family, Marijke studied biology in Ghent and became radicalized like many young people of her generation in the 1968 wave.

James D. Cockcroft (26 October, 1935 - 16 April, 2019)

23 April 2019

We were deeply saddened to hear about the passing of our friend James Donald Cockcroft on 16 April, 2019. James was a fellow of the IIRE, a scholar, activist, and author of many books, especially on Latin American politics. He lived his life to the fullest, writing and engaged in activism until his illness prevented him from continuing. We wish his loved ones, especially his partner and former IIRE co-director, Susan Caldwell strenght in dealing with this loss.

G. Achcar, fellow van het IIRE, waarschuwt voor vertrouwen in Egyptische militairen

30 January 2016

Welke rol spelen de voormalige militairen in de nieuwe Egyptische regering?

In een interview met Real News Network legt Achcar, auteur van The Clash of Barbarism en fellow van het IIRE, uit dat er gevaarlijke illusies bestaan over het nieuwe regime. Dit blijft een belangrijke klant van de VS en de continuïteit met de dictatuur van Mubarak is reëel . Gilbert Achcar is Hoogleraar van Studies inzake ontwikkelingshulp en internationale relaties in de School of Oriental and African Studies in Londen.




Daniel Bensaïd (1946 – 2010)

30 January 2016

The IIRE team was very sad to hear about the death of our fellow Daniel Bensaïd. We want to express first of all our sincere condolences to his family and to all his friends and comrades all over the world.

A revolutionary activist form his adolescence, Daniel Bensaïd was one of the founding members of the JCR (Revolutionary Communist Youth) in 1966, he was one of the leaders of the 22 March Movement and one of the main actors of the Mai 68 student revolt in France. He participated in the creation of the Ligue Communiste in April 1969.



Sexual self-determination in Cuba

17 May 2011

In Cuba, there is a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transvestite, Transsexual (LGBTT) movement whose gestation is found at the intersection of the state and organised civil society. This movement seeks to tackle the main themes of LGBTT reality from the perspective of human rights, health and social integration, while inserting itself into the national project of edifying a just society.

Arruzza, del IIRE, imparte un taller sobre género en el Foro de la Izquierda

29 March 2011

Las aportaciones a la teoría de género de los últimos 20 años, en particular lateoría Queer, cambian la aproximación marxista a la cuestión de la opresión de género, y de tal modo que demanda la superación de una aproximación basada en el establecimiento de una jerarquía de prioridades entre opresiones. En este año el annual Foro de la Izquierda (antiguo Conferencia de Formación Socialista), Cinzia Arruzza, de la delegación del IIRE, impartió un taller para debatir sobre este reto: “¿Hay una confrontación entre Marxismo y Género?”.

IIRE's Arruzza hosts gender panel at Left Forum

29 March 2011

The elaborations on gender of the last 20 years, in particular Queer theory, challenge the Marxist approach to the issue of gender oppression, and thereby demand the overcoming of an approach based on the establishment of a hierarchy of priorities between oppressions. At this year's annual Left Forum (the former Socialist Scholar Conference), IIRE Fellow Cinzia Arruzza hosted a panel to discuss this challenge: "Does Marxism have Gender Trouble?" on Saturday, March 19th.

Cinzia Arruza préside une discussion sur le genre au Forum de Gauche

19 March 2011

Ces derniers vingt ans, les études concernant le genre et plus particulièrement la théorie « queer » ont mis en question l’approche marxiste de l’oppression de genre. Ces études préconisent la nécessité de dépasser une approche basée sur une hiérarchie des priorités concernant les différentes oppressions. Au Forum de Gauche de cette année, le samedi 19 mars 2011, Cinzia Arruzza, membre de l’IIRE a présidé une discussion sur ce défi : « Le marxisme souffre-t-il de problèmes de genre ? »

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