Uitnodiging openingsfeest Timorplein
2 September 2007zondag 2 september 2007, 13.00 uur - 01.00 uur
zondag 2 september 2007, 13.00 uur - 01.00 uur
Date: Dimanche 5 Août, 17h Amsterdam, 16h Londres, 11h Côte Est, 8h P acifique.
Lieu: Skypecast, via Internet
Take the Power to Change the World ("Prendre le pouvoir pour changer le monde"), est la dernière publication de l'IIRF, publiée conjointement avec Resistance Books de Grande Bretagne.
This seminar at the IIRE on August 11-16 was my first lesbian/ gay/ bisexual/ transgender (LGBT) seminar at the Institute. It was the most exciting opportunity for a wide-ranging discussion on LGBT issues from a radical perspective that I have ever experienced. I think it is an extremely valuable site for discussion and debate.
Two years of work went into making the IIRE's second International Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual (LGB) Strategy Seminar, in August 2000, more broadly representative and more intellectually challenging than the first one in August 1998. And the work paid off.
Two years of work went into making the IIRE's second International Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual (LGB) Strategy Seminar, in August 2000, more broadly representative and more intellectually challenging than the first one in August 1998. And the work paid off.
This seminar at the IIRE on August 11-16 was my first lesbian/ gay/ bisexual/ transgender (LGBT) seminar at the Institute. It was the most exciting opportunity for a wide-ranging discussion on LGBT issues from a radical perspective that I have ever experienced. I think it is an extremely valuable site for discussion and debate.