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In the first four months of 2015, 1,770 Africans and Asians drowned on their way to Europe. With the death toll in the Mediterranean rising by the thousands, the European Union has showed once again that it is ready to pay the price of lives lost at sea in order to maintain the myth of sovereignty over its borders.

REINFORM cordially invites you to a discussion over the human rights cost of the EU closing the gates to unwanted outsiders, and the fair distribution of refugees in the European Union.

rebelse stad

We are very happy to join the efforts of Unofficial Histories 2015 to open up history beyond the official and the mainstream.
As the conference takes place in Amsterdam this year, we have the opportunity to support this inspiring initiative and host the screening of Rebelse Stad / Rebellious City at our institute.
Come and spread the word!
Please join the FB event.


wij zijn hier

This month we are showing movies that are dedicated to break the silence imposed by official histories and/ or give voice to the movements that organize and fight against injustice and inequality.

afbeelding: Cüneyt Çetinkaya, Galata Fotoğrafhanesi

Een dag georganiseerd door Gezi Solidariteit Nederland, in samenwerking met IIRE, ter gelegenheid van 100 jaar na de Armeense genocide.

Taal: Nederlands & Turks


13:00 Introductie door by Kubilay Basci en Ohannes Karakas

13:20 Presentaties door Gezi Solidariteit Nederlands group

- "Armeens- Turkse literatuur in het late Ottomaanse rijk door Demet Altun

- “Armeens links: Levon Ekmekciyan en de Federatie van 78’” door Füsun Erdogan

- “Onbekende geschiedennisen van beroemde Armeniers in Turkije” door Nil Celik

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international scientific association
by Royal decree of 11th June 1981.

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