Public talk & book launch: Europe on the Brink
25 July 2014PUBLIC TALK & BOOK LAUNCH - Friday 25 July 2014, 19:00 - 21:00
Europe on the Brink; Debt Crisis and Dissent in the European Community
PUBLIC TALK & BOOK LAUNCH - Friday 25 July 2014, 19:00 - 21:00
Europe on the Brink; Debt Crisis and Dissent in the European Community
Thanks to generous help from friends of the IIRE, we have secured the €1,000 necessary to be able to publish Returns of Marxism, a major compilation of contemporary challenges to Marxism.
Understanding the Corporatisation of Universities in the Netherlands and beyond
Time : 24th May 2014, 13:00 - 18:00
Place : International institute for Research and Education - Lombokstraat 40, 1094 AL, Amsterdam
Register for free at
The 1980 Coup D’Etat depicts a pivotal moment in the history of Turkey. When the National Security Council declared the Coup on September 12th, extended martial law throughout the country and abolished the Parliament and the Government; not only did it end the hegemonic crisis but also paved the way to rebuild and restructure the society in order to facilitate the economic and social integration to the neoliberal order. Keşke Bir Öpüp Koklasaydım, a book of oral history, focuses on the families of the revolutionists that were directly targeted by the Military during and after the Coup.
On the 21st of March, the IIRE will proudly host a debate with Eufrosina Cruz, in collaboration with the Indigenous Movement and Movies That Matter Festival. Eufrosina Cruz
Éditions Syllepse publie une version en français de la contribution de Au Loong Yu dans China's Rise: Strength and Fragility, numéro 54 de notre série "Notebooks for Study and Research". Voici la quatrième de couverture:
"Ces trente dernières années ont vu des bouleversements colossaux transformer ce pays.