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Evening lectures

Public Meeting: The Queer Politics of Migration

Reflections from the United States on 'Illegality' and 'Incorrigibility'

View video recording of the lecture

IIRE, Amsterdam, 15th June 2010, 19.30 (see details below)

Reclaim the State? Experiments in Popular Democracy

As the global financial crisis continues to fester, local and national governments tend to place the bulk of the burden on public spending. More cuts and lay-offs, reductions in salaries and the disappearance of community-based projects place the most vulnerable sectors of society at higher risk.

12, 13 februari: Verander de wereld, niet het klimaat

12 en 13 februari organiseert Grenzeloos een discussiebijeenkomst over links en de klimaatbeweging na Kopenhagen. Zaterdag 13 februari zal onder andere Marijke Colle, de nieuwe co-directeur van de het IIRE, een discussie inleiden over de opbouw van een ecosocialistische beweging.

Erik Swyngedouw on David Harvey and geographical materialism

The IIRE organises in cooperation with the yearbook 'Kritiek. Jaarboek voor socialistische discussie en analyse' a lecture by Erik Swyngedouw on David Harvey, geographical materialism and urban social struggles on Thursday, the 29th of October.

1 October 2009: A Left View of the Neoliberal Crisis

A year has past since the world fell into the deepest economic crisis since the 1930s and the end is nowhere in sight. Vulnerable groups like youth, migrants and precarious workers will be especially hard hit.
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international scientific association
by Royal decree of 11th June 1981.

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