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Lively discussion with Anja Meulenbelt

30 October 2013

On invitation of TENK, a network of left-wing activists and scholars, Dutch socialist-feminist Anja Meulenbelt came to the IIRE to speak about her current project, a new book on the left and feminism.
Meulenbelt looked back at the second wave of feminism in the Netherlands in which she played a prominent role and her classic 1976 book 'Feminisme en Socialisme'.



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International women’s seminar held at the IIRE (14-17 July 2012)

14 July 2012

The organisation of an International Women’s Seminar was decided in February 2012 by the leadership of the International.

The response was very important. About 30 women will be attending the seminar, coming from Belgium, Brazil, Britain, Denmark, Ecuador, France, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Mexico, Philippines, Spain, Sri Lanka and Switzerland.

We received donations for helping with the travel costs of the participants from the Third World to an amount of more than 2000 €. The International paid also part of the travel costs.

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