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Ecosocialist School 2015

24 November 2015

Saturday 21 November to Friday 11 December 2015 our yearly ecosocialist school took place again. A total of 15 activists from Sri Lanka, US, Denmark, Spanish State, Belgium, Haiti, Cameroon, Mali, Colombia, Mexico, India, Turkey and Indonesia took part in the course. This was our third Ecosocialist School.

2015 IIRE International Women’s Seminar: Connecting feminist activism worldwide

3 July 2015

Women’s Seminar 2015 assembled successfully at IIRE from 4th to 8th July. Organized by the women’s commission of the Fourth International , the seminar was attended by 30 women from 12 countries. Apart from Western European countries, there were participants from Philippines, Mexico, and the USA. The participants came from wide range of ages, from 17 to 70.

Debate - Humanity lost at sea: The regularity of deaths in the Mediterranean

27 June 2015

In the first four months of 2015, 1,770 Africans and Asians drowned on their way to Europe. With the death toll in the Mediterranean rising by the thousands, the European Union has showed once again that it is ready to pay the price of lives lost at sea in order to maintain the myth of sovereignty over its borders.

REINFORM cordially invites you to a discussion over the human rights cost of the EU closing the gates to unwanted outsiders, and the fair distribution of refugees in the European Union.

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