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Honduras: The Moment of Truth for the Obama Administration

24 July 2009

by IIRE Fellow James Cockcroft

The military coup currently underway in Honduras is a hard coup accompanied by various vain attempts to make it appear soft and "constitutionalist."  Behind the coup are diverse social, economic, and political forces, of which the most important is the administration of President Barack Obama. No important change can happen in Honduras without Washington's approval.  The Honduran oligarchy and transnational corporations (banana growers, pharmaceutical manufacturers) are defending their interests, as they always have, with a military coup.

Keynesian Revolution and neo-liberal Counter-revolution

22 July 2009

By IIRE Fellow Eric Toussaint


As a result of the depression of the 1920s and 1930s, a new wave of critics tackled the neo-classical creed on a largely pragmatic basis. This new wave was international and involved political leaders and economists from differing belonging to various currents backgrounds: enlightened bourgeois thinkers, socialists and Marxists. In a context of mass unemployment and depression, proposals came forward for major public works, for anti-cyclical injections of public money, and even for bank expropriations.


Le rebond du Forum Social Mondial

12 March 2009

Interview d’Eric Toussaint, par Pauline Imbach

On a parlé de rebond du mouvement altermondialiste à l’occasion du Forum Social Mondial à Belém, que faut-il en penser?

Après une situation difficile du Forum Social Mondial (FSM) en 2006, 2007, 2008, on peut parler véritablement de rebond car cette 9ème édition est un énorme succès à différents niveaux.

Lo que hay detrás de la crisis de Gaza. Entrevista Gilbert Achcar

16 January 2009

Daniel Finn entrevistó el pasado 10 de enero para la revista electrónica irlandesa Irish Left Review a nuestro amigo y colaborador, el analista libanés Gilbert Achcar, quien tuvo la gentileza de enviarnos el texto para su traducción castellana y reproducción en SinPermiso.

¿Cuáles cree que son los principales objetivos de la estrategia israelita al atacar actualmente a la franja de Gaza?


Características de las experiencias en curso en Venezuela, Ecuador y Bolivia

16 September 2008

Por Éric Toussaint

En América Latina, si exceptuamos a Cuba, podemos señalar tres grandes categorías de gobiernos. En primer lugar, los gobiernos de derecha, aliados de Washington, que desempeñan un papel activo en la región y ocupan una posición estratégica: son los de Álvaro Uribe en Colombia, Alan García en Perú y Felipe Calderón en México.

Traits caractéristiques des expériences en cours au Venezuela, en Equateur et en Bolivie

16 September 2008

Par le conferencier IIRF Éric Toussaint


En Amérique Latine, si l’on excepte Cuba, il y a en ce moment trois grandes catégories de gouvernements. En premier lieu, les gouvernements de droite, alliés de Washington, jouent un rôle actif dans la région et occupent une position stratégique : le gouvernement d’Alvaro Uribe en Colombie, Alan Garcia au Pérou et Felipe Calderon à Mexico.



Characteristics of the Experiences Underway in Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia

16 September 2008

by IIRE Fellow Éric Toussaint

In Latin America, if we exclude Cuba, we can point to three general categories of governments. First, the governments of the right, the allies of Washington, that play an active role in the region and occupy a strategic position: these are the governments of Álvaro Uribe in Colombia, Alan García in Peru and Felipe Calderón in México.

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