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Catherine Samary

16 January 2016
Catherine Samary

Specialist on Balkans and Eastern Europe, Catherine Samary is a regular Fellow of the IIRE. Born in 1945, she received her PhD in economics at the University of Paris X: Nanterre. She was a lecturer at the University Paris Dauphine and at the Institute of European Studies (University Paris 8). Her thesis dealing with the different economic reforms in Titoist Yugoslavia was published as Le Marché contre l'autogestion, l'expérience Yougoslave, Paris, PubliSud/La Breche, 1988 with a preface from Ernest Mandel. 

She is a founding member of the Association Autogestion and involved in the European Network in Solidarity with Ukraine (ENSU). 

She is a member of the scientific council of the French Attac and on the Editorial board of its Review Les Possibles. Contributor to Le Monde Diplomatique and co-editor of several of its Atlases

Member of the AfeBALK (Association française d’études sur les Balkans) / French Association of Research on the Balkans, she is a contributor and member of the Scientific Council of its Review Balkanologie.

On can find and download most of her writings on her website

  1. in relation to her involvement in those different associations (Attac, Association Autogestion, ENSU…) and contributions to several publications (Le Monde diplomatique, Revue Contretemps, Inprecor, International viewpoint, Viento Sur…) ; 
  2. according to four main themes of her research and reflections : the experience and debates about « socialist countries » ; the capitalist restoration ; world disorder and alternatives.
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