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IIRE Manila

Building a new Asian left – the Third Asian Global Justice School

8 September 2011

From 17th of July until the 7th of August 2011, the IIRE Manila, the sister organization of the IIRE based in the Philippines, held its third Asian Global Justice School. Like the yearly Global Justice Schools in Amsterdam, this school aims to provide a space for debate, exchange of information, knowledge and experiences and networking between international social justice activists - but with a specific focus on the Asia-Pacific region and Asia in general.

After a successful Manila seminar, 10 organisations sponsor a third school

20 October 2010

The IIRE-Manila made a huge step forward in its second Global Justice School in August, with 22 attendees discussing context, movements and on alternative organizing for change. It can confirm that ten organisations are likely to take part in the third school, in the summer of 2011, and that numerous seminars will take part at the Manila campus before then. However, financial support remains needed to help participants to travel to Manila.

École altermondialiste d’Asie,Manille 2010 : mettre de l’ordre dans le puzzle des problèmes du monde

10 September 2010

Les files interminables dans Quezon City aux Philippines sont compensées par la seconde École altermondialiste qui s’est tenue du deux au vingt en un août . J’y ai participé en tant que membre du Comité Politique des Pauvres – Parti Démocratique du Peuple (KPRM-PRD) avec dix autres activistes de gauche venus de Taïwan, des Philippines, du Sri Lanka, du Bangladesh, du Japon et du Pakistan. Il s’agissait d’une école de formation de trois semaines organisée par l’IIRE de Manille.

Asian Global Justice School in Manila 2010: Putting Together the Pieces of World’s Problems

20 October 2010

The never ending traffic jams of Quezon City, Philippines, found its ‘compensation’ in the second Asian Global Justice School on August 2-2 1. Representing the Political Committee of the Poor-People’s Democratic Party (KPRM-PRD), along with 10 other left activists from Taiwan, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Japan and Pakistan, I participated in a three-week school in Manila organised by International Institute for Research and Education (IIRE)-Manila.

First Asian Global Justice School is a success

8 November 2009

The IIRE-Manila recently concluded its first high-profile acitivity, the first Asian Global Justice School. The set-up of the school was inspirired by the many succesful Global Justice School held at the IIRE-Amsterdam. The IIRE-Manila was set up to facilitate educational sessions similar to those organised by the IIRE-Amsterdam, especially for social justice activists from Asia that often have trouble obtaining visa necessary to attend the schools in Amsterdam. Another aim was to provide a perspective more centered on the Global South.

L'IIRF prépare une Ecole Altermondialiste régionale du 9 au 28 novembre 2009 à Manillle

21 September 2009

iire manila

Depuis 1982, l'existence de l'Institut International de Recherche et de Formation à Amsterdam (IIRF Amsterdam) a été un instrument pour regrouper des militants de tous les continents habités, pour des échanges critiques de pensées et d'expérience dans la lutte quotidienne pour l'émancipation de tous les opprimés.

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recognised in Belgium as an
international scientific association
by Royal decree of 11th June 1981.

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