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On May 18, the IIRE will host an event organized by Histori Bersama: This seminar will bring together two themes. One is colonialism in the Netherlands Indies as a form of racism, leaving ideological and mental legacies in the Netherlands and how those legacies can be identified, critiqued and overcome. The second is a critique of colonial policies and their impact on conditions in Indonesia until today. How are labor, agrarian, human rights and women's movements working to overcome those conditions? How can international collaboration on these issues be advanced?

IIRE Summer activities - 2016: Youth School and LGBTIQ seminar

This summer the IIRE had two very successful international activities. From 6 to 10 of August, we organized the sixth LGBTIQ strategy seminar. These seminars are spaces for radical left LGBTIQ liberation activists to develop theory and strategy.

2015 IIRE International Women’s Seminar: Connecting feminist activism worldwide

Women’s Seminar 2015 assembled successfully at IIRE from 4th to 8th July. Organized by the women’s commission of the Fourth International , the seminar was attended by 30 women from 12 countries. Apart from Western European countries, there were participants from Philippines, Mexico, and the USA.

Help us organise the women’s seminar at the IIRE !

The women’s commission of the Fourth International is organising a women’s seminar from 4th of 8th July inclusive.

2014 LGBT seminar: building alliances for liberation

The Fifth LGBT seminar at the IIRE took place from July 26 to July 29. Like the previous seminars, it was a gatherings of activists in LGBT movements from around the world who are committed to radical anti-capitalist politics.

IIRE: Quinto seminario de Lesbianas, Gays, Bisexuales y Transexuales.

El quinto seminario LGBT en el IIRE tendrá lugar del 26 de julio al 29 de julio. Estos seminarios serán una reunión de activistas de movimientos LGBT en alrededor del mundo y quienes se han comprometido con las políticas anticapitalistas radicales.

Tercer Seminario de Economía del IIRE 2014

El Tercer Seminario de Economía del IIRE se celebrará entre el 14 y el 16 de febrero.

Apoya al seminario de Mujeres del IIRE

En julio el IIRE organiza el Seminario de mujeres de la Cuarta Internacional en conjunto con la comisión de mujeres de la Cuarta Internacional.

Segundo seminario de Ecología en el IIRE, 1 al 3 de Marzo 2013

El segundo seminario de ecología organizado por la Cuarta Internacional representa un paso adelante para las secciones de la Cuarta Internacional y sus organizaciones simpatizantes.

Seminario internacional de mujeres en el IIRE, entre el 14 y el 17 de Julio 2012

La organización del Seminario Internacional de Mujeres fue decidida en febrero de 2012 por la dirección de la Cuarta Internacional.

© IIRE 2025

The IIRE is an international foundation,
recognised in Belgium as an
international scientific association
by Royal decree of 11th June 1981.

Lombokstraat 40
The Netherlands

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