Marijke Colle: La crisis ecológica global y el activismo climático
17 August 2021Marijke Colle, antigua codirectora del IIRF de Ámsterdam y militante ecosocialista afincada en Bélgica, dio esta conferencia en la Escuela de Jóvenes del IIRF de 2021.
Marijke Colle, antigua codirectora del IIRF de Ámsterdam y militante ecosocialista afincada en Bélgica, dio esta conferencia en la Escuela de Jóvenes del IIRF de 2021.
Marijke Colle, ancienne co-directrice de l'IIRF Amsterdam et militante écosocialiste basée en Belgique, a donné cette présentation à l'école de jeunes de l'IIRF de 2021.
The IIRE Amsterdam recently concluded its annual Youth School. We thank our donors, the interpreters, lecturers and participants who made the Youth School 2021 a success with over 40 participants from a dozen different countries.
The IIRE Amsterdam recently concluded its annual Youth School. We thank our donors, the interpreters, lecturers and participants who made the Youth School 2021 a success with over 40 participants from a dozen different countries. We will be uploading recordings of lectures given at the school, starting with the introductory lecture on 'The global ecological crisis and climate activism'.
The lecture was given by Marjike Colle, former co-director of IIRE Amsterdam and an ecosocialist activist based in Belgium.
Debido a la pandemia, nuestra Escuela este año tuvo que tener lugar en línea. Pueden ver las grabaciones de la Escuela de Jóvenes 2020 aquí.
For over 20 years, the IIRE has organized educational courses for young socialist activists. Since moving to the Lombokstraat, the IIRE has organized a youth-school every year, each with around 20-25 participants. The course provides an intensive introduction to Marxist theory and examinations of current struggles, especially focusing on issues that are relevant for youth movements. Responses from participants in our schools have been very positive.
For over 20 years, the IIRE has organized educational courses for young socialist activists. Since moving to the Lombokstraat, the IIRE has organized a youth-school every year, each with around 20-25 participants. The course provides an intensive introduction to Marxist theory and examinations of current struggles, especially focusing on issues that are relevant for youth movements. Responses from participants in our schools have been very positive.