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Venezuela, Honduras, Perú, Ecuador : « pequeños » olvidos y « grandes » mentiras

22 October 2009

Por Eric Toussaint.


Conviene tener en cuenta el peligro que constituye la actitud sistemáticamente hostil adoptada por la gran mayoría de los grandes medios periodísticos europeos y norteamericanos (así como la organización Reporteros sin Fronteras) respecto a las experiencias en curso en Ecuador, Bolivia y Venezuela. Esta hostilidad sólo es igual al silencio embarazoso y cómplice con respecto a los golpistas hondureños o a la represión ejercida por el ejército peruano contra los indios de la Amazonia. Para ilustrar esta afirmación, he aquí algunos hechos recientes:

Venezuela, Honduras, Peru, Ecuador small oversights and big lies

22 October 2009

By IIRE Fellow Eric Toussaint [1].

It may be useful to assess the dangers of the systematically hostile attitude of the overwhelming majority of major European and North American media companies in relation to the current events taking place in Ecuador, Bolivia and Venezuela. This hostility is only matched by an embarrassed, complicit silence with regard to those involved in the putsch in Honduras or the repression enacted by the Peruvian army against the indigenous populations of the Amazon. In order to demonstrate this statement, here are a few recent facts:

Honduras: The Moment of Truth for the Obama Administration

24 July 2009

by IIRE Fellow James Cockcroft

The military coup currently underway in Honduras is a hard coup accompanied by various vain attempts to make it appear soft and "constitutionalist."  Behind the coup are diverse social, economic, and political forces, of which the most important is the administration of President Barack Obama. No important change can happen in Honduras without Washington's approval.  The Honduran oligarchy and transnational corporations (banana growers, pharmaceutical manufacturers) are defending their interests, as they always have, with a military coup.

Keynesian Revolution and neo-liberal Counter-revolution

22 July 2009

By IIRE Fellow Eric Toussaint


As a result of the depression of the 1920s and 1930s, a new wave of critics tackled the neo-classical creed on a largely pragmatic basis. This new wave was international and involved political leaders and economists from differing belonging to various currents backgrounds: enlightened bourgeois thinkers, socialists and Marxists. In a context of mass unemployment and depression, proposals came forward for major public works, for anti-cyclical injections of public money, and even for bank expropriations.


Le rebond du Forum Social Mondial

12 March 2009

Interview d’Eric Toussaint, par Pauline Imbach

On a parlé de rebond du mouvement altermondialiste à l’occasion du Forum Social Mondial à Belém, que faut-il en penser?

Après une situation difficile du Forum Social Mondial (FSM) en 2006, 2007, 2008, on peut parler véritablement de rebond car cette 9ème édition est un énorme succès à différents niveaux.

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