No. 73. The Paris commune. An Ode to Emancipation

The Paris Commune of 1871 was one of the first working class attempts at the social emancipation of the oppressed and exploited. Between 18 March and 29 May 1871, the popular classes succeeded for a while in breaking their chains. It was a short period when people could take control of their lives. The Paris Commune is an inspiration today. The memory of the past and its struggles strengthens the fight for the utopia of the future.
1984. Daniel Bensaïd: Marxism against Totalitarianism
4 October 2021From colloquiums to seminars, from articles to opinion pieces, a thesis has spread to the point of acquiring the quiet force of a commonplace: it is to Marx himself, and not to Stalin or Lenin, that the original sin and the inevitable metamorphosis of the socialist paradise into a totalitarian hell can be traced.
Escuela de Jóvenes 2021. Marijke Colle: La crisis ecológica global y el activismo climático
24 August 2021El IIIF de Ámsterdam ha concluido recientemente su anual Escuela de Jóvenes. Agradecemos a nuestros donantes, a los intérpretes, a los conferenciantes y a los participantes que hicieron de la Escuela de Jóvenes 2021 un éxito con más de 40 participantes de una docena de países diferentes. Vamos a subir las grabaciones de las conferencias impartidas en la escuela, empezando por la conferencia introductoria sobre "La crisis ecológica global y el activismo climático".
Michel Husson: un militante que fue economista y un economista que se comprometió en política
28 July 20211989: Ernest Mandel On the Lessons of 1968
7 June 2021In this lecture Mandel discusses the character of the 1968 upsurge, its strengths and weaknesses, the political surrender of many former radicals and the gains of the movement. This lecture was given at an event organized by the US socialist organisation Solidarity