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Audio's Daniel Bensaïd

1985 The French section of the Fourth International in the seventies. 2

17 January 2017

The mainly clandestine activities in the early 1970s changed with the 1974 presidential elections. Some democratic demands for the army were raised, including a soldiers union. Collaboration with workers committees, to make room for soldiers committees. In 1975, the Chirac campaign denounces a 'plot' against the army and all soldiers committees were dispersed. In this context, Bensaïd mentions the organisational problems and "two big" mistakes. First one being the election campaign of 1978, where the party prepared a programme with a strategical planning for future in the case of a victory of the left. Bensaïd underlines that the plan did not correspond with what the militants did at the time - "a big difference between what you plan and what people do". Second mistake was, according to him, the position regarding the question of leadership.


1985 The French section of the Fourth International in the seventies. 3

17 January 2017

Bensaïd discusses "entryism" departing from Trotsky's position in 1934 concerning the CPs until today, posing the question of "what is the place of revolutionaries and what can they do to add revolutionary content in the united front." He concludes the lecture with an overview of the party activities, policies and organisational decisions from 68 to 69-71, which was marked by a hypothesis of acceleration of class struggle, revolutionary perspective on the situation, and rapid breakthrough in the organisation. He underlines that in a new situation, everything needs to be redefined along the axis of tactical choices and strategical decisions.

Duration: 30:27
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1983 l'histoire de la Quatrième Internationale 1933 – 1979 1

17 January 2017

Cet enregistrement est issu d'une formation de trois jours consacrée à l'histoire de la Quatrième Internationale. Bensaid distingue trois grandes périodes: a) les années de formation 1933-1938, b) les années de l'après-guerre 1946-1965, c) la période de 1965-1968 à 1979 - l'année du grand congrès mondial. L'exposé concerne ces grandes périodes et les aborde par le prisme des perspectives de construction de l'Internationale (et, dans une moindre mesure, de la section), et des problèmes qui y sont liés. Cette première partie de l'exposé concerne les années de formation, et avant tout la necessité de créer une nouvelle Internationale à l'aune des problèmes identifiés dans les précédentes Internationales.

Duration: 27:01
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