Online lecture series: the changing shapes of imperialism
26 July 2022The Russian invasion of Ukraine has led to renewed discussion of the notion of imperialism. Is the invasion proof that Russia is an imperialist power? But Russia is not the only country described as an imperialist power. China’s international influence has increased dramatically in the past ten years. In South-East Asia, China's claims over large parts of the South China Sea has brought it into conflict with Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines. Worldwide, Chinese investments play an increasingly important role.
What is ecosocialism?
15 June 2022In this talk from the IIRE school, Michael Löwy presents the principles of Ecosocialism.
Ernest Mandel (1968): Trotsky’s theory of fascism
3 May 2022The history of fascism is at the same time the history of the theory of fascism.i For no other new social phenomenon of modern times is the simultaneity of its appearance and the attempt at understanding it as striking as for fascism.
Leon Trotsky: The German Enigma (1932)
8 April 2022The IIRE is working on a new collection of Trotsky's writings on fascism. This new translation of a 1932 article by Trotsky is part of this project. This article was originally published in the journal Die Weltbühne ('The World Stage'). Die Weltbühne was an important journal of the Independent intellectual left during the Weimar republic. Cooperators and contributors included Carl von Ossietzky, Kurt Hiller, Erich Mühsam, Fritz Sternberg, Heinrich Ströbel, Kurt Tucholsky and others.