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March 31, Lecture: Egypt under the regime of Field Marshal Sissi

25 March 2015

Egyptian socialist Taher Mokhtar will give a talk on the development of the political and social situation in Egypt from the January 2011 Revolution, passing through the Muslim Brotherhood era, and the return of a staunch military dictatorship. He will also discuss the situation of the revolutionary left in Egypt, the social movements and workers' mobilizations.

Taher Mokhtar is a member of the Egyptian Revolutionary Socialists (RS).

Tuesday, March 31
Time: 19.30

A Truly Borderless Diner

15 February 2015

With 33 people from 15 different countries, 3 courses of food reflecting a smorgasbord of cultural influences and a live session from an azeri tar and accompanying singing chef, the fundraising dinner organised by Borderless that took place at IIRE on 9th February was precisely that, sans frontières.


2014 LGBT seminar: building alliances for liberation

25 July 2014

The Fifth LGBT seminar at the IIRE took place from July 26 to July 29. Like the previous seminars, it was a gatherings of activists in LGBT movements from around the world who are committed to radical anti-capitalist politics.

The aim of the LGBT Seminar is to share and develop ideas on the most pressing topics concerning the struggle for human rights in the LGBT community, debate about strategies for LGBT liberation , and discuss how to participate in LGBT struggles on the basis of an anti-capitalist political project.

27 september lezing: 'De betekenis en relevantie van een socialistisch humanisme'

27 September 2011

Wie politiek actief is en met mensen praat over de mogelijkheden van een andere samenleving wordt al snel geconfronteerd met argumenten van het type: “Wat jullie willen dat klinkt allemaal wel heel mooi en daar ben ik ook voor, maar dat gaat nooit werken, want zo zijn mensen nou eenmaal niet.” Wie actief is in de milieubeweging, wordt vroeg of laat geconfronteerd met de vraag welke behoeften vervuld moeten worden om een gelukkig leven te kunnen leiden.

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recognised in Belgium as an
international scientific association
by Royal decree of 11th June 1981.

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The Netherlands

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