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Ernest Mandel (1968): On Roman Rosdolsky (1898-1967)

25 November 2023

With Roman Rosdolsky, who passed away in 1967 in Detroit in the United States, the last surviving founding member of the communist movement in western Ukraine and one of the most remarkable Marxists of recent decades passed away.

The fate of Rosdolsky is characteristic of an entire generation of European revolutionaries. His peculiarity was that he survived the successive persecutions by local fascism as well as Nazism and Stalinism.


Support the IIRE youth school 2023!

24 July 2023

This summer, the IIRE organizes again an international school for young socialist activists. This youth school is a unique opportunity for activists to come together, learn, exchange experiences and build networks. 

In recent years, our regular program of yearly youth schools was interrupted by the pandemic. Fortunately, we are now able to return to our regular rhythm of educational courses 

1967. Ernest Mandel: A critique of the theory of economic growth, in the spirit of Marx’s Capital

22 May 2023

This text was Ernest Mandel’s contribution to a colloquium on the occasion of the centenary of Marx’s Capital, organized by the institute of political science of the Goethe University Frankfurt and publisher Europäische Verlagsanstalt. The contributions and discussion were originally published in Kritik der politischen Ökonomie heute,100 Jahre Kapital (Frankfurt am Main, 1968). 


Marijke Colle, een leven lang nieuwsgierig en actief

2 May 2023

Op zondag 16 april kwam het droevige nieuws dat onze kameraad Marijke Colle op vijfenzeventigjarige leeftijd is overleden. Als overtuigd feministisch-socialist zette Marijke zich vele jaren in voor verschillende bewegingen en bleef ze tot op het eind politiek actief. Haar toewijding, intellect en geestdrift maakten haar een voorbeeld voor veel anderen.

Marijke Colle, une vie de curiosité et d’activité

2 May 2023

Le dimanche 16 avril, nous avons appris la triste nouvelle du décès de notre camarade Marijke Colle à l’âge de soixante-quinze ans. Féministe et socialiste convaincue, Marijke s’est consacrée à divers mouvements pendant de nombreuses années et est restée politiquement active jusqu’à la fin. Son dévouement, son intelligence et son enthousiasme ont fait d’elle un modèle pour beaucoup d’autres.

Marijke Colle, presente!

20 April 2023

It is with great sadness that we have learned of the death on 16 April 2023 of our comrade and former IIRE co-director Marijke Colle, at the age of 75. Below is a reflection on her life as a socialist and feminist activist, written by her Belgian comrades. 

Born in 1947 in a very conservative Flemish Catholic family, Marijke studied biology in Ghent and became radicalized like many young people of her generation in the 1968 wave.

© IIRE 2024

The IIRE is an international foundation,
recognised in Belgium as an
international scientific association
by Royal decree of 11th June 1981.

Lombokstraat 40
The Netherlands

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Email: iire @ iire.org
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