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No.39-40 Socialists and the Capitalist Recession

  • (with Ernest Mandel's 'Basic Theories of Karl Marx') by Raphie De Santos, Michel Husson, Claudio Katz - 216 pages
    Not available

    The credit crunch of 2008 produced an international recession in 2009.

No.37-38 Take the Power to Change the World

  • by Phil Hearse ed. - 144 pages

    In this 144-page collection of essays, some of the world's most dynamic progressive thinkers discuss how to change the world: including John Holloway, Daniel Bensaid , and Michael Lowy.

No.35-36 The Porto Alegre Alternative: Direct Democracy in Action

  • by Iain Bruce ed. - 162 pages

    Brazilian socialists André Passos Cordeiro, Ubiratan de Souza, Pepe Vargas, Raul Pont and João Machado describe in The Porto Alegre Alternative how Porto Alegre's participatory budget was born, how it works, how it developed in interaction with popular movements and spread with local Workers' Party (PT) victories, and how it has staked out new ground in promis

No.33-34 The Clash of Barbarisms: September 11 and the Making of the New World Disorder

  • by Gilbert Achcar - 128 pages
    Not available

    The US shift towards "unlimited war" precipitated by the events of 11 September 2001 was long in the making. Gilbert Achcar traces the rise of militant, anti-Western Islamic fundamentalism to its roots in US policies aimed at control ling the oil reserves of the Middle East, particularly Saudi Arabia, the "Muslim Texas".

No.31-32 Globalization: Neoliberal Challenge, Radical Responses

  • by Robert Went - 170 pages

    In this clear and concise overview, Robert Went refutes the myth that globalization is an entirely new phenomenon and an unavoidable process. While recognizing that globalization poses serious strategic challenges to progressive movements, he argues that these challenges are not insurmountable and that there is hope for real change.

No.29-30 Understanding the Nazi Genocide: Marxism after Auschwitz

  • by Enzo Traverso - 154 pages
    Not available

    Auschwitz was a pre-eminently modern genocide. If racial hatred was its first cause, its execution required a 'rationality' typical of modern capitalism. In this book on the slaughter of the European Jews in 1941-45, Enzo Traverso sustains a dialogue with writings on the Shoah from Hannah Arendt to Daniel Goldhagen.

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