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A New Start with the 2009 WSF

12 March 2009

An interview with IIRE Fellow Eric Toussaint , by Pauline Imbach 

Some talked about a new start for the movement for another globalization with the World Social Forum in Belém. Do you think this is the case?

Since the World Social Forum (WSF) went through difficult moments in 2006, 2007, and 2008, we can really call this 9th edition a new start. It was a huge success in various respects.

Le rebond du Forum Social Mondial

12 March 2009

Interview d’Eric Toussaint, par Pauline Imbach

On a parlé de rebond du mouvement altermondialiste à l’occasion du Forum Social Mondial à Belém, que faut-il en penser?

Après une situation difficile du Forum Social Mondial (FSM) en 2006, 2007, 2008, on peut parler véritablement de rebond car cette 9ème édition est un énorme succès à différents niveaux.

Lo que hay detrás de la crisis de Gaza. Entrevista Gilbert Achcar

16 January 2009

Daniel Finn entrevistó el pasado 10 de enero para la revista electrónica irlandesa Irish Left Review a nuestro amigo y colaborador, el analista libanés Gilbert Achcar, quien tuvo la gentileza de enviarnos el texto para su traducción castellana y reproducción en SinPermiso.

¿Cuáles cree que son los principales objetivos de la estrategia israelita al atacar actualmente a la franja de Gaza?


Características de las experiencias en curso en Venezuela, Ecuador y Bolivia

16 September 2008

Por Éric Toussaint

En América Latina, si exceptuamos a Cuba, podemos señalar tres grandes categorías de gobiernos. En primer lugar, los gobiernos de derecha, aliados de Washington, que desempeñan un papel activo en la región y ocupan una posición estratégica: son los de Álvaro Uribe en Colombia, Alan García en Perú y Felipe Calderón en México.

Argentina: The clash over rent

25 June 2008

By IIRE Fellow Claudio Katz, June 2008.



The prolonged conflict between ruralismo and the government has resulted in an exhausting political battle. The first bloc aims to hoard the agrarian rent at the cost of the popular majority, and the government needs to exhibit authority in order to implant a social pact that favours the capitalist class as a whole.

Is there a long term solution for the conflict in Palestine?

14 February 2008

This question is ever so urgent to discuss, in order to advance concrete proposals and the work of solidarity as bombs fall over Gaza and the number of innocent victims increases from day to day. Mid-February, IIRE will hold it Palestine Seminar, bringing together progressive activists from several Arab countries and Israel, as well as experts and activists dealing with the Middle East from Europe, North America and the Philippines.

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