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A Crash Course in Capitalism

8 December 2008

By IIRE Fellow Claudio Katz

The seism on Wall Street has surprised the world Establishment. At the summits of power, panic and alarmist declarations dominate. Everyone is absorbing an event which could be the beginning of a change of epoch. The comparison with the fall of the Berlin Wall gives some indication of this historical dimension.

Seminar Series - Returns of Marxism 2008/09

17 September 2008

  Next lecture:

Tuesday, June 9th, 7.30 p.m.

Contradictions and Limits of Neoliberal European Governance – Laura Horn, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

After a successful inaugural seminar series in 2007/2008, Returns of Marxism will continue beginning in October 2008. Topics in this year’s lecture series include: contemporary Latin American politics, the politics of gentrification, reading Capital, radical feminism, Marxism and philosophy and more. 

Characteristics of the Experiences Underway in Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia

16 September 2008

by IIRE Fellow Éric Toussaint

In Latin America, if we exclude Cuba, we can point to three general categories of governments. First, the governments of the right, the allies of Washington, that play an active role in the region and occupy a strategic position: these are the governments of Álvaro Uribe in Colombia, Alan García in Peru and Felipe Calderón in México.

Argentina: The clash over rent

25 June 2008

By IIRE Fellow Claudio Katz, June 2008.



The prolonged conflict between ruralismo and the government has resulted in an exhausting political battle. The first bloc aims to hoard the agrarian rent at the cost of the popular majority, and the government needs to exhibit authority in order to implant a social pact that favours the capitalist class as a whole.

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