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News from our fellows

Un cours intensif de capitalisme

8 December 2008

Par le collaborateur de l'IIRF Claudio Katz

Le séisme de Wall Street a surpris l’establishment mondial. La panique et les déclarations alarmistes dominent aux sommets du pouvoir. Tous enregistrent un événement qui pourrait inaugurer un changement d’époque. La comparaison avec la chute de Berlin constitue un indice de cette dimension historique.

A Crash Course in Capitalism

8 December 2008

By IIRE Fellow Claudio Katz

The seism on Wall Street has surprised the world Establishment. At the summits of power, panic and alarmist declarations dominate. Everyone is absorbing an event which could be the beginning of a change of epoch. The comparison with the fall of the Berlin Wall gives some indication of this historical dimension.

Report from Fellows' seminar July 2005

30 January 2005

IIRE Fellows rethink global justice

Changes in the capitalist system and the rise of the global justice movement are posing big challenges for the kind of political education we do at the IIRE. We took these challenges into account three years ago when we renamed our annual fall North-South School a Global Justice School. But until now the lecturers who do the teaching at it have not had a chance to discuss the new challenges in depth with each other.

Report from Fellows' Seminar 1999

3 July 1999

Fellows discuss IIRE's future course

Every participant in a session at the IIRE writes a balance sheet at the end of the session, and these remarks and suggestions are important for the content and format of future sessions. But because our Fellows come from all over the world, it is not easy to bring permanent staff and collaborators together to collectively exchange experiences with sessions and discuss future activities.

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