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Lectures for Anti-Racism Seminar 2020

  • Anti-Racism Seminar 2020

    16 July 2020

    The first but long-awaited seminar on anti-racist work was held in July 2020. Despite the particular conditions – an online seminar being able to meet only for a limited number of hours per day – there was  a very positive balance sheet in terms of participation and content. There were 40-60 participants in this 4 day seminar. Participants were from Latin America, United States, Europe and South and South East Asia

Anti-Racism Seminar 2020: Soma Marik - Anti-racist strategy Soma Marik
Ant-Racism 2020: Dominic Brown - Dominic Brown: Covid 19 has put a spotlight on the existing racialized, gendered inequalities. Dominic Brown
Dominic Brown & Soma Marik conclusions
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