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English publication of 'Against Capitalism and Bureaucracy - Ernest Mandel’s socialist strategy'

10 January 2020
Gegen Kapitalismus und Bürokratie – zur sozialistischen Strategie bei Ernest Mandel

We are happy to announce that we met our fundraising goal to support the English translation of Manuel Kellner’s book on the thought of Ernest Mandel. Gegen Kapitalismus und Bürokratie – zur sozialistischen Strategie bei Ernest Mandel (2009) will be published in the Historical Materialism book series of Brill & Haymarket books. An extensive study, based on deep familiarity with the work of Mandel, it will be a valuable addition to the English-language literature on one of the most prolific and creative Marxists of the post-war era. More information can be found here.

We want to thank everybody who donated money for this project. As the project progresses, we will keep people up to date here and through our newsletter.


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