LA CHINE un capitalisme bureaucratique
18 December 2013
Éditions Syllepse publie une version en français de la contribution de Au Loong Yu dans China's Rise: Strength and Fragility, numéro 54 de notre série "Notebooks for Study and Research". Voici la quatrième de couverture:
"Ces trente dernières années ont vu des bouleversements colossaux transformer ce pays.
Book launch: Ernest Mandel, rebel tussen droom en daad.
12 May 2007On the occasion of the publication of the biography 'Ernest Mandel. Rebel tussen droom en daad'.
The International Institute for Social History (IISH) and the International Institute for Research and Education (IIRE)
request the pleasure of your company on
Thursday May 10th at 16.00 at the IISH (Adama van Scheltema zaal), Cruquiusweg 31, Amsterdam
Lectures by Dr. Jan Willem Stutje, author van Mandels biography, and Dr. Michael Krätke, Associate Professor of Political Economy and Political Science at the University of Amsterdam on Mandels Marxism.
Book launch: Ernest Mandel, rebel tussen droom en daad.
12 May 2007On the occasion of the publication of the biography 'Ernest Mandel. Rebel tussen droom en daad'.
The International Institute for Social History (IISH) and the International Institute for Research and Education (IIRE)
request the pleasure of your company on
Thursday May 10th at 16.00 at the IISH (Adama van Scheltema zaal), Cruquiusweg 31, Amsterdam