New book: Greece 2015. There was an alternative
6 October 20202015 is a landmark year in the history of Europe, of Greece and of the international left. In Greece and worldwide, many hoped the Syriza-led government would be able to break with the austerity imposed on Greece, a hope that was strengthened further by the victory of the 'no' in the referendum on new agreements with the Troika. But those hopes were quickly dashed.
1987: Ernest Mandel - On the potential of history
14 September 2020An excerpt from ‘The dialectic of productive forces, production behaviour and class struggle alongside categories of latency and parametric determinism in the materialist conception of history’.
1978: Ernest Mandel - We Must Dream. Anticipation and hope as categories of historical materialism
9 September 2020This text was the contribution of Ernest Mandel to a 1978 commemorative colloquium for the Marxist philosopher Ernst Bloch (1885 – 1977) and was first published in 1980.i In this article Mandel uses categories developed by Bloch, such as the Not-Yet and Real Possible, to examine the need of incorporating notions of the future in socialist thought.
On Socialist Democracy (July 1977)
7 September 2020This text was originally published in 1977 in Inprecor, the French language journal of the Fourth International. Drafted by Mandel, it was adopted by what was then the United Secretariat of the Fourth International. The text was intended as a contribution to a debate in the Fourth International over the issue of Socialist Democracy in the run up the Eleventh World Congress of the Fourth International (1979).
New publication: No 66. Socialisms. Revolutions betrayed, mislaid and unmade
26 August 2020Our new publication, co-published with Resistance Books is now avalaible.