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IIRE Fellows are busy: addressing the UN, writing new books & explaining history

4 November 2010

The IIRE's latest newsletter spotlights some impresisve accomplishments by the Institute's fellows. The lastest Asian edition of the Global Justice School (GJS), and the Youth School in Amsterdam are also reported. The newslatter also highlights the plans for our upcoming GJS in Amsterdam and other developments. The IIRE's successful contribution to the European Social Forum, also reported in this issue, is one of the reasons why we are extending our fundraising partnership with the SOWS, a Dutch foundation for scientific research.


Remembering Daniel Bensaïd

26 January 2010

Thousands of people gathered at La Mutualité in Paris on Sunday, January 24, 2010 to render homage to deceased IIRE fellow Daniel Bensaïd. Hosted by Fred Borras and Myriam Martin, both from the leadership of the NPA and from Toulouse, like Daniel, this was an emotional and militant act of remembrance to his memory.

Mort de Daniel Bensaïd (1946 – 2010 )

12 January 2010

C’est avec une tristesse profonde, que l’équipe de l’IIRF a accueilli la nouvelle du décès de notre collaborateur Daniel Bensaïd. Nous voulons ici exprimer nos sincères condoléances à sa famille et à ses nombreux camarades de partout dans le monde.

Militant révolutionnaire depuis l’adolescence, Daniel Bensaïd avait été l’un des fondateurs de la JCR (Jeunesse Communiste Révolutionnaire) en 1966 puis l’un des animateurs du Mouvement du 22 Mars et l’un des acteurs du mouvement de Mai 68 avant de participer à la création de la Ligue Communiste, en avril 1969

Falleció Daniel Bensaïd (1946 – 2010)

12 January 2010

Recibimos con profunda tristeza la noticia del fallecimiento de nuestro camarada Daniel Bensaïd. Deseamos expresar nuestro sentimiento a sus familiares y a sus camaradas del mundo entero.

Desde su adolescencia fue militante revolucionario. Daniel Bensaïd fue uno de los fundadores de la JCR (Juventud comunista revolucionaria) en 1966, uno de los animadores del Movimiento del 22 de marzo y uno de los actores del movimiento de Mayo del 68 antes de participar en la creación de la Liga Comunista Revolucionaria en abril de 1969.

"The Solution to the Crisis of Capitalism Has to Be Political"

16 July 2009

IIRE fellow Claudio Katz interviewed by Fernando Arellano Ortiz

The exit from the systemic crisis of capitalism needs to be political, and "a socialist project can mature in this turbulence."  So says the Argentine economist, philosopher, and sociologist Claudio Katz, who also warns that the "global economic situation is very serious and is going to have to hit bottom, and now we are but in the first moment of crisis."

Un G20 pour rien

23 April 2009

par Damien Millet, Éric Toussaint



Les effets d’annonce ne manquent pas autour du sommet des 20 pays industrialisés et émergents (G20) réuni à Londres les 1er et 2 avril pour apporter des solutions à la crise. Mais bien avant la clôture du sommet, les conclusions sont connues : le G20 ne sera pas à la hauteur de l’enjeu.

A G20 meeting for naught

9 April 2009

by IIRE Fellow Eric Toussaint and Damien Millet

The G20 summit meeting in London from April 1st onward was loudly announced and publicized. Those 20 industrialized and emergent countries (G20) are meeting to find solutions to the crisis. But long before the end of the summit, it is clear that they will not rise to the challenge.

A New Start with the 2009 WSF

12 March 2009

An interview with IIRE Fellow Eric Toussaint , by Pauline Imbach 

Some talked about a new start for the movement for another globalization with the World Social Forum in Belém. Do you think this is the case?

Since the World Social Forum (WSF) went through difficult moments in 2006, 2007, and 2008, we can really call this 9th edition a new start. It was a huge success in various respects.

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