La légitimité de la révolution russe by Ernest Mandel, 1992
The legitimacy of the Russian Revolution by Ernest Mandel, 1992 - 64 pages
Not available
Internationalisme et question nationale by José Iriarte "Bikila", 1991 - 48 pages
by José Iriarte 'Bikila', 1991 - 48 pages
The Long March of the Italian Communist Party by Livio Maitan, 1991 - 48 pages
La longue marche du Parti communiste italien by Livio Maïtan, 1991 - 48 pages
by Andre Gunder Frank and Salah Jaber, 1991 - 72 pages
Lénine, Luxembourg, Trotsky by Norman Geras and Paul Le Blanc, 1990 - 48 pages
Contrasts and Convergences by Miguel Romero, 1991 - 48 pages
Contrastes et convergences by Miguel Romero, 1991 - 48 pages
Not available