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IIRE Cahiers d' Étude et de Recherche

No.03 La révolution chinoise - II

  • Le projet maoiste à l’épreuve de la lutte de pouvoir by Pierre Rousset, 1987 - 48 pages

    The Chinese revolution of 1949 was one of the most important experiences in the history of twentieth-century national liberation movements. It triggered wide-ranging debates among, and often inside, revolutionary currents around the world.

No.01 La place du marxisme dans l’histoire

  • by Ernest Mandel, 1986 - 40 pages

    Since 1989, many "repentant" leftists have proclaimed Marxism incapable of explaining the new phenomena of the dawning new century. Ernest Mandel reminds us in The Place of Marxism in History that Marxism drew from its very inception on the advances of all the social sciences and emancipation movements of its time.

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