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March 31, Lecture: Egypt under the regime of Field Marshal Sissi

25 March 2015

Egyptian socialist Taher Mokhtar will give a talk on the development of the political and social situation in Egypt from the January 2011 Revolution, passing through the Muslim Brotherhood era, and the return of a staunch military dictatorship. He will also discuss the situation of the revolutionary left in Egypt, the social movements and workers' mobilizations.

Taher Mokhtar is a member of the Egyptian Revolutionary Socialists (RS).

Tuesday, March 31
Time: 19.30

A Truly Borderless Diner

15 February 2015

With 33 people from 15 different countries, 3 courses of food reflecting a smorgasbord of cultural influences and a live session from an azeri tar and accompanying singing chef, the fundraising dinner organised by Borderless that took place at IIRE on 9th February was precisely that, sans frontières.


December 11: Lecture by Robin Blackburn: Who invented Human Rights?

28 November 2014

This lecture examines the role of anti-slavery and slave resistance in the elaboration of 'human rights' and the misappropriation of such ideas by Western colonialism and militarism.

Robin Blackburn is a historian and sociologist, and one of New Left Review’s editors. Blackburn teaches at the New School in New York and the University of Essex in the UK. He is the author of many books, including The Making of New World Slavery, The Overthrow of Colonial Slavery, Age Shock, Banking on Death, and The American Crucible.

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