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Daniel Bensaïd (1997): Stalinism against communism

11 June 2024
Work at White Sea Canal (Belomorkanal) in the Soviet Union (from october 16, 1931 until august 30, 1933). Most of the work was done manually by forced labour.

This text was originally published in 1997 as a supplement to Rouge. Writing in response to The Black Book of Communism, Bensaïd discusses the Stalinist counter-revolution.i

Daniel Bensaïd (2008): Myths and legends of domination

20 March 2024

In 1964 Herbert Marcuse asked in One-Dimensional Man whether it was still possible to ‘break the vicious circle of domination’.i In other words, he questioned whether revolution was still possible in developed capitalist countries, where ‘the pure form of domination’ had taken shape. The working class, now linked to the system of needs ‘but not to its negation’,ii seemed bound to lose all its subversive capacity in the ‘affluent society’.

Ernest Mandel (1989): The cost of the defeated German revolutions

14 March 2024

Three defeats of the German revolution


On the occasion of the bicentenary celebrations of the Great French Revolution of 1789, there was an intense public controversy in France, Great Britain and the United States about the alleged ‘excessive costs’ of this revolution.i The conquest of human rights, so far, so good. But what about the deaths caused by the Terror and those of the Vendée uprisings?

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