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New Publication: Memoirs of a Critical Communist. Towards a history of the Fourth International

30 October 2019

Preface by Daniel Bensaid
Translated by Gregor Benton
Edited with an introduction by Penelope Duggan

Llivio Maitan's Memoirs of a Critical Communist tells the life of revolutionary communist in the second half of the 20th century. From his early commitment to communism under fascism in Italy, Livio chose to be 'against the current' by rejecting both Stalinism and social democracy, and charted a curse towards democratic and revolutionary Marxism.

New publication: Critique of Modern Barbarism. Essays on fascism, anti-Semitism and the use of history

28 October 2019

In this new collection of essays, Enzo Traverso examines the relationships between anti-Semitism, modernity and the Holocaust. Traverso analyses multiple dimensions of the destruction of the European Jews, debates over the historical memory and left-wing debates on the nature of anti-Semitism.

Inspired by the critical theory of the Frankfurt School and the heterodox Marxism of a thinker like Walter Benjamin, Traverso argues that after Auschwitz,  critical thought needs to reconsider the notion of progress as such.

October 27: Public meeting on 'Feminism for 99 per cent'

20 October 2019

Last month saw the launch of Feminism for 99%'s Dutch translation. Reason enough to present this manifesto at the first meeting in a series of 'Grenzeloos gesprekken' on 27 October. The manifesto has now been translated into more than 20 languages. It rejects the liberal feminism of the 1%, which aims to break the glass ceiling for a limited group of (mostly white) heterosexual women. Feminism for the 99% advocates a feminism that is on the side of the majority of women: workers, migrants, lesbians and transgender women.

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